Thursday, December 29, 2011

Zenith Space Commander Remote and other things

I have come to the conclusion that I am obsessed with Zenith's Space Commander remote control unit - specifically the generation pictured below.  It is without doubt a paragon design - its function and physical appearance is simply peerless with other remote control units of the era.  To be honest, while our current mega control units may do everything for us other than doubling as a hankie dispenser while watching An Affair to Remember (1957) - they are merely functional units. They faithfully and silently serve us - well, silent until the thing hits the tile floor and the battery compartment opens and the batteries fly under the sofa.

Now this may all sound a tad melodramatic for something like a TV remote control unit and perhaps it is. It was designed to be a 'labor' saving device - nothing more.  The labor it saved was often that of the kid in the house whose job it was it was to 'get up and change the channel'  - at least it was for me.  And that is why I have an affinity for the unit - it brings back fond childhood memories - instantly transporting me back to battles between my father and myself for control of the big color TV on Sunday evenings.  Yes, the weekly boxing match consisted of  The Wonderful World of Disney and The F.B.I.    Generally, at 8:00 that glorious click of the remote signaled I had lost and if I wanted to finish watching Disney I had to move to the den where we had a small color portable television (without remote).

So, here is to Robert Alder's invention - Zenith's Space Commander - may its clicks echo for eternity.

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